Petit Suisse (Maxime Chabloz)
Petit Suisse (Maxime Chabloz) Watch the full movie "Petit Suisse" by Maxime Chablox: to the interview on "Sportpanorama":
Petit Suisse (Maxime Chabloz) Watch the full movie "Petit Suisse" by Maxime Chablox: to the interview on "Sportpanorama":
Respect Wildlife! 4 Regeln für mehr Natur Der Winter ist eine harte Zeit für Wildtiere, in der Nahrungsknappheit und raues Wetter das Überleben erschweren. Deshalb ist es wichtig, ausgewiesene Wildruhezonen…
The road to Paris 2024 (Olympic Games) What does the kitesurfing Olympic format look like? How can nations qualify to participate? What equipment is allowed? Answers and even more you…
Announcement:new protection partner Happy to announce our new protection partner FORWARD WIP. Formula KiteFoil is high velocity and IKA requires protective gear with respective norms. In 2022, you will see…
High visibility colour for helmets in Formula Kite Class Rule A new Q&A regarding the colour of helmets has been published on colours are considered as ‘high visibility colour’…