Privacy Policy
You will find more detailed information below.
a) Owner of the Data Collection
The owner of the data collection is the Swiss Kitesailing Association.
b) Data Processing
Data processing means any handling of personal data, regardless of the means and procedures used, in particular the acquisition, storage, use, reprocessing, disclosure, archiving or destruction of data. We process your data discreetly and carefully in compliance with the Swiss Data Protection Act. According to this, data processing is permitted if the Data Protection Act or another legal provision allows it or if you as a customer have consented to it.
c) Type of Data Collection
Your data includes the data you have provided to us as well as publicly available data. Types of data include customer data (such as name, address, date of birth); this data is transmitted to Swiss Sailing for the purpose of issuing licenses.
d) Purpose of Data Collection
The processing of personal data is an indispensable prerequisite for the efficient and correct execution of contracts. We process your data only to the extent necessary for the processing of the contract and services. In particular, we verify the information provided in the application, we manage the contracts after the conclusion of the membership (including membership fees) and handle the licensing. Furthermore, the data may be processed for administrative simplification, product optimization and marketing purposes (to provide customers with further product and service offers) within the association.
e) Storage of Data
Your data will be kept and archived electronically and/or in paper form (e.g. in customer dossiers, contract management systems) in compliance with the applicable laws. Your data is protected against unauthorized access and changes. By law, data, insofar as they are business correspondence, must be stored for at least 10 years from the termination of the contract (Art. 962 OR).